Church is not a building, but it is the people who choose to live their lives passionately pursuing Jesus.

We have a clear picture of the qualities of a passionate Christ follower. We are building a ministry that will work on developing those areas in the life of everyday people. A life passionate following Jesus will be transforming in the following eight areas.

8 Key Products

Biblically Measured:

(Lk. 11:28; Eph. 6:10-18; Heb. 4:12; Jas. 1:22)

The Bible contains the truth and direction that a passionate Christ-follower needs to function in all areas of life in a manner pleasing to God. A passionate Christ-follower will commit to learning scripture and living under the authority of the Bible.


Spirit Led:

(John. 16:6-11; Rom. 8:1-4)

The Holy Spirit guides us in the way to best follow God. To be led by the Holy Spirit requires a choice by a person to be available and obedient to the Spirit's prompting. The Holy Spirit reveals truth, convicts of error and leads to repentance through confession. A passionate Christ- follower will desire and work to be responsive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit by listening and responding to His prompting.


Financially Faithful:

(Lev. 27:30; Mal. 3:8-10; Matt. 6:19-21)

God has provided all we have and need. Our resources are given to be used in moving the Kingdom of God forward. When we choose to use our resources in this manner we experience freedom from being controlled by physical possessions. A passionate Christ- follower will be a person who is faithful in giving their resources for God's use.

Prayerfully Dependent:

(Prov. 15:29; Matt. 6:9-15; Mk. 14:38; Ph. 4:6; 1 Th. 5:17)

Prayer is the means by which we communicate with God. Prayer is the only vehicle through which we can present our needs to God. Prayer is the action of a person desperately seeking God’s presence. Prayer is a place where the Holy Spirit speaks and leads. A passionate Christ-follower will be a person who is desperately seeking God's presence through prayer.


Glocally Invested:

(Matt. 25:34-40; Acts 1:8)

The work of a follower of Christ is to bring the Gospel, which transforms the world, through engagement with other cultures and peoples. A passionate Christ-follower will work to bring change both globally and locally.


Family Oriented:

(Acts 16:33; Eph. 6:1-4; Col. 3:18-21)

The home is the first expression of living in community. Choosing to follow Jesus places us in the community of the church. The health of both of these families is crucial as they are the vehicles through which God works to reveal Himself. A passionate Christ- follower will commit to protecting and growing the health of the family at home and at church.

Christlike Character:

(Rom. 6:11-14; 8:9-11; Gal. 4:19-20; 5:16-26)

While we are all broken and therefore live according to a broken nature, God’s plan is to rebuild us to live according to a new nature. The Holy Spirit is at work in all Christ-followers to make them new in the image of Christ. A passionate Christ-follower will be constantly developing in Christ-likeness.


Evangelistically Focused:

(Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 4:12; Rom. 10:14-15)

The primary means by which we bring glory to God is by fulfilling the mission to which He has called us. The mission of Jesus and His followers is to make disciples. In partnership with the Holy Spirit, a passionate Christ-follower will know the Gospel, share the Gospel and lead others to become followers of Christ.

Core Values

Transformation is a lifelong process.

People are organic. They grow and change. The organic nature of people is reflected in the plan of God transforming us into Christ-likeness. We are people in process. Lost people matter to God.

If lost people matter to God, then they should likewise matter to us. We should be fully committed to seek and save those far from God. This is our primary and first priority work.

Live led by the Holy Spirit.

God will direct our lives by the voice and prompting of the Holy Spirit living inside us. We need to seek His control

and filling for the supernatural demonstration of a supernatural God.

Prayer is always the answer.

There is no power available to us except through prayer. Regardless of the circumstance or situation, prayer is

always the first priority whether problem solving or life planning.


The Bible is true, practical and accessible.

The Bible is trustworthy and conveys absolute truth. It is from the heart of God and is intended to guide in every

specific life situation. It is not hidden or complex, but rather straightforward and obvious to everyone who reads it.


We are created for passion.

As humans we long for a heart engaging experience whether demonstrated through emotions or adrenaline. This

longing is because we are designed to experience an abundant life, a life of passion.


Leaders lead.

Leadership is not a passive position or expression. Leaders take the reins and point the way. God gives leaders to lead not merely respond.

Excellence honors God and creativity reflects God.

Quality matters. Adequate is not appropriate. Excellence is not perfection. Excellence is doing the very best with what we have. God is worthy of the effort and sacrifice required to do our very best.

The creativity of God is on display all around us. As creatures created in the image of God, the creative impulse is placed within us. When we are creative the image of God is clearly seen.