Teaching: Life Hacks From UberEats

While driving for UberEats I have discovered some life hacks. these things not only make UberEats better they make life better. They are some of the things God want to do in our life as we follow Him.

There are five qualities that are important as you drive for UberEats. They are also five qualities that grow in us as we follow Jesus. Responsibility, patience, friendliness, kindness and empathy all are qualities that when we are growing in them display the glory of God.

Be careful trying to assess these qualities yourself. We do not do very well assessing those qualities about ourself that are best seen by others. Ask a close friend, who is a truth teller, to give you a fair assessment of whether or not these qualities are growing in you.

Galatians 5:22 / Matthew 7:12 / Micah 6:8 / 2 Corinthians 3:18


Conversation: In The Quiet, Learn To Listen


Teaching: Waiting