Conversation: In The Quiet, Learn To Listen

Side hustle is a new phrase and concept that is being used more and more frequently. The changes in our world have led many to look for additional ways to earn income. Side hustles typically require very little from us. They seem almost mindless and menial. It is easy to view menial things in life as unimportant. This perspective often results in missing valuable lessons and growth opportunities. UberEats food delivery service is one such side hustle. Even though this side hustle may seem menial there are quite a few lessons to be learned.

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

(Psalm 46:10 NLT-SE)

As an UberEats driver, I am given a great opportunity to be in the quiet and listen. In these moments God is helping me see the qualities and skills I can learn and hone from my experiences as a driver.


I knew allowing God to be a part of my life 7 days a week 24 hours a day would produce specific fruit. I regularly ask myself how am I doing in becoming more like Jesus and how are those qualities growing in my life. However, as I have reflected on my self-evaluation (which is a critical discipline) I realize there are qualities that are outward-facing and we cannot self-evaluate those areas which are others focused with much accuracy. As I drive for UberEats my customers and the restaurants with whom I interact are given the opportunity to evaluate me to let me know if I have left the impression I desire to leave.

I have begun to realize that I am most healthy when I allow others to give me feedback on my growth in certain character qualities. I can view myself as friendly, and frankly, I do think I am friendly, however, if those with whom I interact do not experience me as friendly my self-evaluation is to a certain degree flawed.


Allowing others to speak into my growth helps me grow as an empathetic person. I am more and more aware of how much we need a wave of growth in the area of empathy. Empathy is disappearing in our society. The more self-serving and self-focused we become the less empathetic we are. The absence of empathy has escalated the tension and anger that is so much a part of our culture and subcultures. Empathy cools the tension and anger between us.

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

(Colossians 3:13 NIV)

Empathy is a direct command of the Bible. It is not an option or an accident. Empathy is a choice we make and the more we make the choice to be empathetic the more we grow in this area. Empathy allows us to be human with each other.


Empathy allows us to be friendly and kind. Friendliness and kindness are similar but not the same. Each area needs to be nurtured and grown in each of us. Friendliness is how we connect. Kindness is how we treat each other. Friendliness says "I see you and I am interested in you." Kindness says "I value you and will treat you nicely.

“I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us— yes, the many good things he has done for the house of Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses.”

(Isaiah 63:7 NIV)

We are fundamentally communal people. We live in a pack, not in isolation. Isolation is not good. It has become clear that isolation produces bad and dangerous outcomes. As we grow in friendliness we engage with others. Being kind causes us to treat one another nicely. The Bible reminds us that God is kind towards us. God does not wait for us to be kind to Him but instead initiates kindness. As we become like Jesus we will be kindness initiators.

This episode of our podcast is an interview between myself and my youngest daughter Carlee called “LifeHacks From UberEats.” We explore character qualities that serve us well while driving UberEats. Be sure to subscribe and download as new content is available each week.


Conversation: What Is God Teaching You?


Teaching: Life Hacks From UberEats