Conversation: What Is God Teaching You?

“The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease.” - (Lamentations 3:22 NLT-SE)

"What is God teaching you in this season?" In an interview I was recently asked this question. As I reflected on the question it occurred to me I have not been particularly disciplined about asking myself this question.

Sometimes it is very easy to answer this question and other times it seems like there is no answer. Regardless I believe we need to regularly ask this question of ourselves and take the necessary time to answer. God is always teaching us something. If we do not take the time to pause and reflect on what He is teaching, it will be easy to miss it.

What is God teaching me during this season?

During this particular season in my life, I have been learning or as is often the case, re-learning several things from the Lord. Rather than giving a big explanation, I am simply going to list the things God is focusing my attention on during this time.

  1. God is present whether I can see Him or acknowledges Him. He is with me.

  2. God is the King over all the universe, every person and thing. He does not need a coronation to be King because He is King.

  3. The love, mercy, kindness, and faithfulness of God are initiated by God and are not contingent or predicated on any person's acknowledgment. The only one who misses out when we fail to acknowledge these things about God is us.

Sometimes we get so eager for the next thing we miss the now thing.

Regularly asking myself the question, "what is God teaching you?" keeps me always open to receive from the Lord fresh and refreshed understandings of who He is and how much He loves us. By allowing ourselves the space to process the moments in which we find ourselves, we find God in every area of our life. Sometimes we get so eager for the next thing we miss the now thing.

God is always working and HIs work is always good.

I have discovered two constants about God as I more regularly ask myself this question. First, God is always working in me. He never takes a break from me, never gets frustrated with me, never gives up on me, and never stops making me more like Him. Second, God's work is always good. Be careful that you do not confuse this to mean God will always give you what you want. God will always give you what HE wants, but His work is always good.

So, what is God teaching you during this season?


Teaching: Different Me


Conversation: In The Quiet, Learn To Listen